import bisect from cmath import isnan from email.mime import base import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import hashlib import math import numpy as np import random import statistics from pkg_resources import get_distribution from scipy import optimize, stats from astropy import modeling def encode(v): byte_values = [] for i in range(0, math.ceil(len(v) / 8)): x = 0 for j in range(0, 8): index = i * 8 + j if index >= len(v): continue x <<= 1 x |= int(v[index]) byte_values.append(x) return bytearray(byte_values) def sha(v): x = encode(v) m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(x) result = m.digest() return result[0] & 0b1 def xor(v): return np.sum(v[1:]) % 2 def hamming_distance(a, b, scratch): np.logical_xor(a, b, scratch) return sum(scratch) def index_hash(indices): return ','.join([str(index) for index in sorted(indices)]) def bin_div(a, b): if a == 0 and b == 0: return 2 if a == 1 and b == 0: return -1 if a == 0 and b == 1: return 0 return 1 class Candidate(): def __init__(self, indices): self.indices = indices[:] self.uplift = 0 def evaluate(self, x): if len(x) in self.indices: return 0 value = 1 for index in self.indices: value *= x[index] return value def id(self): return index_hash(self.indices) def eval_str(self): parts = [] for index in self.indices: parts.append('x[' + str(index) + ']') return '*'.join(parts) class Probabilities(): def __init__(self): self.N = 16 self.actual_N = self.N * 2 self.num_terms = 1 self.num_candidates = 100 # self.sample_size = self.N ** 2 self.sample_size = 64 self.p = np.zeros((self.actual_N + 1,)) self.p_temp = np.empty_like(self.p) self.next_p = np.empty_like(self.p) self.knowns = [] self.stops = set() self.reset_p() self.epoch = 0 self.inputs = np.zeros((self.sample_size, self.actual_N)).astype(np.int32) self.raw_inputs = np.zeros((self.sample_size, self.N)).astype(np.int32) self.masked_distances = np.zeros((self.sample_size, self.sample_size)) self.distances = np.zeros((self.sample_size, self.sample_size)) self.xor_square = np.zeros((self.sample_size, self.sample_size)) self.nn = np.zeros((self.sample_size, self.sample_size)).astype(np.int32) self.nn_distances = np.zeros((self.sample_size, 2)).astype(np.int32) self.base_outputs = np.zeros((self.sample_size)).astype(np.int32) self.outputs = np.zeros((self.sample_size)).astype(np.int32) self.expected_outputs = np.zeros((self.sample_size)).astype(np.int32) self.output_xor = np.zeros((self.sample_size)).astype(np.int32) self.mask = np.zeros((self.sample_size)) self.numerators = np.zeros((self.sample_size)) self.denominators = np.zeros((self.sample_size)) self.coherences = np.zeros((self.sample_size)) self.max_coherences = np.zeros((self.actual_N + 1)) self.max_candidates = [None for _ in range(0, self.actual_N)] self.uplifts = np.zeros((self.actual_N)) self.uplift_means = np.zeros((self.actual_N)) self.uplift_medians = np.zeros((self.actual_N)) self.uplift_convergences = np.zeros((self.actual_N)) # self.subspace_uplift_samples = [[] for _ in range(0, self.actual_N)] self.superspace_uplift_samples = [] self.subspace_uplifts = np.zeros((self.actual_N)) self.uplift_ranges = [[0, 0] for _ in range(0, self.actual_N)] self.uplift_stddevs = np.zeros((self.actual_N)) self.last_index = -1 self.last_pvalue = -1 self.left_half = True self.samples = 10 self.num_bins = 1000 # self.samples = 200 self.base_coherence_samples = np.zeros((self.samples)) self.coherence_samples = np.zeros((self.actual_N, self.samples)) self.subspace_uplift_samples = np.zeros((self.actual_N, self.samples)) self.subspace_uplift_weights = np.zeros((self.actual_N, self.samples)) self.layers = [] self.layer_confidence = {} self.base = None self.scratch = np.zeros((self.N,)) self.last_value = -1 self.rounds = 0 self.average_delta_over_null = 0 self.visited = set() self.candidate_pool = [] self.candidate_ids = set() self.has_added_layer = False def randomize_inputs(self): for i in range(0, self.sample_size): for j in range(0, self.N): val = random.randint(0, 1) self.raw_inputs[i][j] = val self.inputs[i][j * 2] = val self.inputs[i][j * 2 + 1] = val ^ 1 def populate_distances(self): self.nn.fill(-1) self.nn_distances.fill(-1) for i in range(0, len(self.raw_inputs)): x_a = self.raw_inputs[i] for j in range(0, len(self.raw_inputs)): if i == j: continue x_b = self.raw_inputs[j] distance = hamming_distance(x_a, x_b, self.scratch) if (self.nn_distances[i][0] < 0 or distance < self.nn_distances[i][0]) and distance > 0: self.nn_distances[i][0] = distance self.nn_distances[i][1] = 1 self.nn[i][0] = j elif distance == self.nn_distances[i][0]: count = self.nn_distances[i][1] self.nn_distances[i][1] = count + 1 self.nn[i][count] = j # self.distances[i][j] = 1.0 / (2 ** (distance - 1)) if distance > 0 else 0 self.distances[i][j] = 1.0 / (distance ** 12) if distance > 0 else 0 def compute_expected_outputs(self): for i in range(0, len(self.raw_inputs)): self.expected_outputs[i] = xor(self.raw_inputs[i]) def compute_base_outputs(self): if self.base is None: self.base_outputs.fill(0) return for i in range(0, len(self.inputs)): self.base_outputs[i] = self.base(self.inputs[i]) def mat_coherence(self): np.abs(self.output_xor, self.mask) np.subtract(self.output_xor, self.mask, self.mask) np.divide(self.mask, 2.0, self.mask) np.add(1.0, self.mask, self.mask) self.xor_square.fill(0) np.copyto(self.masked_distances, self.distances) masked_distances_t = self.masked_distances.transpose() for i in range(0, len(self.xor_square)): self.xor_square[i] = self.output_xor np.multiply(self.masked_distances[i], self.mask, self.masked_distances[i]) np.multiply(masked_distances_t[i], self.mask, masked_distances_t[i]) np.sum(self.masked_distances, axis=0, out=self.denominators) self.xor_square = self.xor_square.transpose() np.logical_xor(self.xor_square, self.output_xor, self.xor_square) np.multiply(self.xor_square, self.masked_distances, self.xor_square) np.sum(self.xor_square, axis=0, out=self.numerators) np.divide(self.numerators, self.denominators, self.coherences) mean = np.nanmean(self.coherences) if isnan(mean): mean = 1.0 return 1.0 - mean def nn_coherence(self): for i in range(0, len(self.output_xor)): total = 0 y_a = self.output_xor[i] [distance, count] = self.nn_distances[i] for index in range(0, count): j = self.nn[i][index] y_b = self.output_xor[j] total += 1 if y_a == 1 and y_b == 1 or y_a == 0 and y_b == 0 else 0 self.coherences[i] = total / count return np.mean(self.coherences) def coherence(self, outputs=None): if outputs is None: outputs = self.outputs np.logical_xor(outputs, self.expected_outputs, self.output_xor) return self.nn_coherence() # return self.mat_coherence() coherences = [] for i in range(0, len(self.output_xor)): y_a = self.output_xor[i] numerator = 0 denominator = 0 for j in range(0, len(self.output_xor)): if i == j: continue y_b = self.output_xor[j] weight = self.distances[i][j] denominator += weight if y_a == 0 and y_b == 0 or y_a == 1 and y_b == 1: numerator += weight coherence = numerator / denominator if denominator > 0 else 0 coherences.append(coherence) raw_coherence = sum(coherences) / len(coherences) check_coherence = self.mat_coherence() return raw_coherence def div_coherence(self): coherences = [] for i in range(0, len(self.output_xor)): y_a = self.output_xor[i] if y_a < 0: continue numerator = 0 denominator = 0 for j in range(0, len(self.output_xor)): if i == j: continue y_b = self.output_xor[j] if y_b < 0: continue weight = self.distances[i][j] denominator += weight if y_a == 0 and y_b == 0 or y_a == 1 and y_b == 1: numerator += weight # if y_a < 0 or y_b < 0: # numerator += weight coherence = numerator / denominator if denominator > 0 else 0 coherences.append(coherence) if len(coherences) == 0: return 1.0 return sum(coherences) / len(coherences) def normalize_p(self): check = self.knowns[:] for i in range(0, len(self.p)): if self.p[i] < 0: self.p[i] = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.p)): if i in self.knowns: flip = i ^ 0b1 self.p[i] = 0.0 self.p[flip] = 0.0 else: check.append(i) stop_id = index_hash(check) check.pop() if stop_id in self.stops: self.p[i] = 0.0 total = np.sum(self.p) if total > 0: for i in range(0, len(self.p)): self.p[i] = self.p[i] / total def reset_p(self): self.p.fill(1.0) self.normalize_p() def threshold(self): # return (1.0 / (self.num_terms - len(self.knowns))) - (self.epoch / 100) return 1.0 - (self.epoch / 1000) def get_converged_index(self): for i in range(0, len(self.p)): if self.p[i] > self.threshold(): return i return None def add_layer(self): self.has_added_layer = True self.add_stop() layer = Candidate(self.knowns) self.layers.append(layer) self.base = self.cache_layers() self.knowns.pop() self.reset_p() def random_sample(self): self.randomize_inputs() self.populate_distances() self.compute_expected_outputs() self.compute_base_outputs() return self.coherence(self.base_outputs) def random_candidate(self): indices = self.knowns[:] np.copyto(self.p_temp, self.p) self.p_temp[self.actual_N] = 0 total = np.sum(self.p_temp) if total == 0: return None np.divide(self.p_temp, total, self.p_temp) for _ in range(0, self.num_terms - len(self.knowns)): index = np.random.choice(len(self.p_temp), 1, p=self.p_temp)[0] indices.append(index) flip = index ^ 0b1 self.p_temp[index] = 0 self.p_temp[flip] = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.p_temp)): if i not in indices: indices.append(i) stop_id = index_hash(indices) indices.pop() if stop_id in self.stops: self.p_temp[i] = 0.0 total = np.sum(self.p_temp) if total == 0: return None np.divide(self.p_temp, total, self.p_temp) return Candidate(indices) def seed_candidate_pool(self): for _ in range(0, self.num_candidates): candidate = self.random_candidate() if candidate is None: continue candidate_id = if candidate_id in self.candidate_ids: continue self.candidate_pool.append(candidate) self.candidate_ids.add(candidate_id) def add_stop(self): stop_id = index_hash(self.knowns) self.stops.add(stop_id) def get_distribution(self, candidate, half = 1): count = 0 for i in range(0, len(self.inputs)): value = candidate.evaluate(self.inputs[i]) if value == half: self.output_xor[i] = self.base_outputs[i] ^ self.expected_outputs[i] count += 1 else: self.output_xor[i] = -1 # return (count, self.mat_coherence()) return (count, self.nn_coherence()) def err(self, fitted_model, bins, hist): err = 0 for i in range(0, self.num_bins): x = bins[i + 1] y = hist[i] delta = fitted_model(x) - y err += delta * delta return err / self.num_bins def update(self): sample = self.epoch self.epoch += 1 base_coherence = self.random_sample() self.base_coherence_samples[sample] = base_coherence candidate = Candidate(self.knowns[:]) for i in range(0, self.actual_N): candidate.indices.append(i) try: count_0, subspace_coherence_0 = self.get_distribution(candidate, 0) # count_1, subspace_coherence_1 = self.get_distribution(candidate, 1) # delta = (subspace_coherence_0 - base_coherence) * count_0 / self.sample_size # delta = subspace_coherence_0 - subspace_coherence_1 self.subspace_uplift_samples[i][sample] = subspace_coherence_0 - base_coherence self.subspace_uplift_weights[i][sample] = count_0 / self.sample_size # self.subspace_uplift_left_samples[i][sample] = subspace_coherence_0 # self.subspace_uplift_right_samples[i][sample] = subspace_coherence_1 - base_coherence # if index_hash(candidate.indices) in self.stops: # continue for j in range(0, len(self.inputs)): self.outputs[j] = self.base_outputs[j] ^ candidate.evaluate(self.inputs[j]) coherence = self.coherence() self.coherence_samples[i][sample] = coherence - base_coherence # self.coherence_samples[i][sample] = coherence finally: candidate.indices.pop() if self.epoch >= self.samples: # for i in range(0, self.actual_N): # parameters =[i]) # print(i, parameters) # print(i, stats.kstest(self.uplift_samples[i], "norm", parameters)) added = False # parameters = # (base_mu, _) = parameters # (hist, bins) = np.histogram(self.base_coherence_samples, self.num_bins, density=True) # fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D() # fitted_model = fitter(model, bins[1:], hist) # print('Base', fitted_model.mean.value, self.err(fitted_model, bins, hist)) # x = np.linspace(0, 1.0, 10000) # density = stats.gaussian_kde(self.base_coherence_samples)(x) # mode = x[np.argsort(density)[-1]] # print(mode) # for i in range(0, self.actual_N): # count = 0 # for j in range(0, self.samples): # for k in range(0, self.samples): # if self.coherence_samples[i][j] > self.base_coherence_samples[k]: # count += 1 # print(i, count) try: index = -1 lowest_index = -1 lowest_pvalue = -1 highest_index = -1 highest_pvalue = -1 best_pvalue = -1 pvalue_sum = 0 pvalue_denom = 0 is_subspace = False for i in range(0, self.actual_N): if i in self.knowns: continue try: result = stats.ttest_1samp(self.coherence_samples[i], 0, alternative='greater') print(i, result) # (hist, bins) = np.histogram(self.coherence_samples[i], 20, range=(-0.01, 0.01)) # total = 0 # for j in range(0, 20): # total += hist[j] * (bins[j] + bins[j + 1]) / 2 # mode = total / sum(hist) # fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D() # fitted_model = fitter(model, bins[1:], hist) # mode = fitted_model.mean.value # print(i, total) # result = stats.kstest(self.base_coherence_samples, self.coherence_samples[i], alternative='greater') # print(i, result) # value = result.pvalue * (1 - result.statistic) # parameters =[i]) # (mu, _) = parameters # density = stats.gaussian_kde(self.coherence_samples[i])(x) # mode = x[np.argsort(density)[-1]] # print(i, mode) # print(i, mu) if not isnan(result.pvalue): if i == self.last_index: delta = abs(result.pvalue - self.last_pvalue) if delta < 0.1: print('Low delta!') print(self.last_index, delta) # self.last_index = -1 self.left_half = not self.left_half # self.layers.pop() # self.base = self.cache_layers() # return pvalue_sum += result.pvalue pvalue_denom += 1 if lowest_index < 0 or result.pvalue < lowest_pvalue: lowest_index = i lowest_pvalue = result.pvalue if highest_index < 0 or result.pvalue > highest_pvalue: highest_index = i highest_pvalue = result.pvalue except Exception as e: print(e) pass average_pvalue = pvalue_sum / pvalue_denom print(average_pvalue) index = highest_index if self.left_half else lowest_index best_pvalue = highest_pvalue if self.left_half else lowest_pvalue self.last_index = index self.last_pvalue = best_pvalue # if average_pvalue < 0.5: # index = lowest_index # best_pvalue = lowest_pvalue # else: # index = highest_index # best_pvalue = highest_pvalue # print(e) # for i in range(0, self.actual_N): # if i in self.knowns: # continue # # result = stats.kstest(self.base_coherence_samples, self.subspace_uplift_left_samples[i], alternative='greater') # # # result = stats.kstest(self.subspace_uplift_left_samples[i], self.subspace_uplift_right_samples[i], alternative='greater') # # print(i, result) # # value = result.pvalue * (1 - result.statistic) # # parameters =[i]) # # (mu, _) = parameters # try: # result = stats.ttest_1samp(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i], 0, alternative='greater') # print(i, result) # # (hist, bins) = np.histogram(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i], 20, range=(-0.01, 0.01)) # # bin_index = np.argsort(hist)[-1] # # mode = (bins[bin_index] + bins[bin_index + 1]) / 2 # # fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # # model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D() # # fitted_model = fitter(model, bins[1:], hist) # # mode = fitted_model.mean.value # # print(i, mode) # # density = stats.gaussian_kde(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i], weights=self.subspace_uplift_weights[i])(x) # # density = stats.gaussian_kde(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i])(x) # # mode = x[np.argsort(density)[-1]] # # print(i, mode) # # print(i, mu) # if (index < 0 or result.pvalue < lowest_pvalue) and not isnan(result.pvalue): # # if index < 0 or value < lowest_pvalue: # index = i # lowest_pvalue = result.pvalue # is_subspace = True # # if result.pvalue > 0.95: # # index = i # # parameters =[i]) # # (mu, _) = parameters # # if mu > base_mu: # # if index < 0 or mu > highest_mu: # # index = i # # highest_mu = mu # except Exception as e: # print(e) # pass # # print(e) if index >= 0: if is_subspace: # print('subspace') self.knowns.append(index) print(self.knowns, best_pvalue) else: # print('flat') self.knowns.append(index) # self.layer_confidence[index_hash(self.knowns)] = confidence # num_terms = len(self.knowns) print(self.knowns, best_pvalue) print(base_coherence) self.add_layer() # if num_terms > self.num_terms: # self.stops = set() # self.num_terms = num_terms self.knowns = [] return else: self.knowns = [] # else: # self.knowns = [] # if len(self.knowns) > 0: # # self.add_stop() # self.knowns = [] finally: # fig, axs = plt.subplots(int(self.actual_N / 4), 4) # x_eval = np.linspace(-1.0, 1.0, num=1000) # for i in range(0, int(self.actual_N / 4)): # for j in range(0, 4): # # (hist, bins) = np.histogram(self.base_coherence_samples, self.num_bins, density=True) # # fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # # model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D() # # fitted_model = fitter(model, bins[1:], hist) # # axs[i][j].scatter(bins[1:], hist, s=1, color='r', alpha=0.5) # # axs[i][j].plot(x_eval, fitted_model(x_eval), color='r') # (hist, bins) = np.histogram(self.coherence_samples[i * 4 + j], self.num_bins, density=True) # # fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # # model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D() # # fitted_model = fitter(model, bins[1:], hist) # axs[i][j].scatter(bins[1:], hist, s=1, color='g', alpha=0.5) # # axs[i][j].plot(x_eval, fitted_model(x_eval), color='g') # (hist, bins) = np.histogram(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i * 4 + j], self.num_bins, density=True) # # fitter = modeling.fitting.LevMarLSQFitter() # # model = modeling.models.Gaussian1D() # # fitted_model = fitter(model, bins[1:], hist) # axs[i][j].scatter(bins[1:], hist, s=1, color='b', alpha=0.5) # # axs[i][j].plot(x_eval, fitted_model(x_eval), color='b') # # kde0 = stats.gaussian_kde(self.base_coherence_samples) # kde1 = stats.gaussian_kde(self.coherence_samples[i * 4 + j]) # # kde2 = stats.gaussian_kde(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i * 4 + j], weights=self.subspace_uplift_weights[i]) # kde2 = stats.gaussian_kde(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i * 4 + j]) # # axs[i][j].plot(x_eval, kde0(x_eval), color='r') # axs[i][j].plot(x_eval, kde1(x_eval), color='g') # axs[i][j].plot(x_eval, kde2(x_eval), color='b') # # n, bins, patches = axs[i][j].hist(self.base_coherence_samples, 50, density=True, facecolor='r', alpha=0.5) # # n, bins, patches = axs[i][j].hist(self.coherence_samples[i * 4 + j], 50, density=True, facecolor='g', alpha=0.5) # # n, bins, patches = axs[i][j].hist(self.subspace_uplift_samples[i * 4 + j], 50, density=True, facecolor='b', alpha=0.5) # self.epoch = 0 return # print('=====' + str(base_coherence)) # print(self.uplifts) # print(self.uplift_means) # print(self.uplift_medians) # print(self.uplift_stddevs) # print(self.uplift_ranges) # print(self.uplift_convergences) # print(self.subspace_uplifts) if index >= 0: self.knowns.append(index) print(base_coherence) print(self.knowns, self.epoch) # print(self.uplift_medians) # print(self.uplifts) # print(self.subspace_uplifts) self.add_layer() self.uplifts.fill(0) self.subspace_uplifts.fill(0) self.uplift_medians.fill(0) self.uplift_convergences.fill(0) self.uplift_samples = [[] for _ in range(0, self.actual_N)] self.epoch = 0 return if subspace_index >= 0: self.knowns.append(subspace_index) print(self.knowns, self.epoch) # print(self.uplifts) # print(self.subspace_uplifts) self.uplifts.fill(0) self.subspace_uplifts.fill(0) self.uplift_medians.fill(0) self.uplift_convergences.fill(0) self.uplift_samples = [[] for _ in range(0, self.actual_N)] self.epoch = 0 return # print('======') # print(self.epoch, base_coherence) # print('======') # if len(self.candidate_pool) == 0: # print(self.p) # for i in range(0, min(5, len(self.candidate_pool))): # candidate = self.candidate_pool[i] # print(, candidate.uplift) # if self.epoch < 15: # return if self.candidate_pool[0].uplift > 0.3: candidate = self.candidate_pool[0] candidate_id = self.candidate_ids.remove(candidate_id) print(candidate_id) self.knowns = candidate.indices self.add_layer() self.knowns = [] self.reset_p() self.epoch = 0 self.candidate_pool = [] self.candidate_ids = set() elif self.candidate_pool[0].uplift < -0.3 or self.epoch > 200: self.epoch = 0 self.num_terms += 1 self.candidate_pool = [] self.candidate_ids = set() self.knowns = [] self.stops = set() self.reset_p() return # np.copyto(self.next_p, self.p) for _ in range(0, self.num_candidates): candidate = self.random_candidate() if candidate is None: continue candidate_id = if candidate_id in visited: continue visited.add(candidate_id) if self.actual_N in candidate.indices: continue has_candidate = True for i in range(0, len(self.inputs)): self.outputs[i] = self.base_outputs[i] ^ candidate.evaluate(self.inputs[i]) # coherence = self.ring_coherence() coherence = self.coherence() # if coherence <= base_coherence: # continue # for index in candidate.indices: # self.next_p[index] += (coherence - base_coherence) * (1 / 1000.0) # self.p_temp[index] += 0 for index in candidate.indices: if coherence > self.max_coherences[index]: self.max_coherences[index] = coherence self.max_candidates[index] = candidate # self.max_coherences[index] = max(self.max_coherences[index], coherence) # np.copyto(self.p, self.next_p) # np.copyto(self.p_temp, self.p) for i in range(0, self.actual_N): candidate = self.max_candidates[i] if candidate is None: continue for index in candidate.indices: self.p[index] += (self.max_coherences[index] - base_coherence) * (1 / 1000.0) # print(i, self.max_coherences[i] - base_coherence, self.max_candidates[i].id()) self.normalize_p() # print(self.p) # np.subtract(self.p_temp, self.p, self.p_temp) # np.abs(self.p_temp, self.p_temp) # delta = np.sum(self.p_temp) / len(self.p_temp) # print(delta, np.argmax(self.p)) # np.copyto(self.p_temp, self.p) # for i in range(0, len(self.p_temp)): # self.p_temp[i] = round(self.p_temp[i] * 100) / 100 # print(self.p_temp) index = np.argmax(self.p) delta_over_null = self.p[index] - self.p[self.actual_N] if self.epoch == 0: self.average_delta_over_null = delta_over_null else: self.average_delta_over_null = 0.9 * self.average_delta_over_null + 0.1 * delta_over_null diff = self.num_terms - len(self.knowns) print(self.average_delta_over_null, np.argpartition(self.p, -diff)[-diff:], np.argmax(self.p)) # Always iterate for a minimum number of epochs if self.epoch < 15: return if self.average_delta_over_null > 0.00001 and self.average_delta_over_null < 0.001 and self.epoch < 300: return if self.average_delta_over_null < 0.001: index = self.actual_N else: index = np.argmax(self.p) # index = np.argmax(self.p) # if index == self.last_value: # self.rounds += 1 # else: # self.rounds = 0 # self.last_value = index # if self.rounds < 10 and self.epoch < 100: # return # if self.epoch < 5 or (delta > 0.001 and self.epoch < 50): # return # index = np.argmax(self.p) # print(self.p) # print(self.threshold()) # print(self.p) # index = self.get_converged_index() if not index is None or not has_candidate: # print(index, delta, np.argmax(self.p)) self.epoch = 0 if index == self.actual_N or not has_candidate: if len(self.knowns) > 0: self.add_stop() self.knowns.pop() print('Backtrack: ' + str(self.knowns)) self.reset_p() return self.num_terms += 1 self.knowns = [] self.stops = set() self.reset_p() print(self.num_terms) return self.knowns.append(index) # bisect.insort(self.knowns, index) if len(self.knowns) == self.num_terms: print('Add layer: ' + str(self.knowns)) self.add_layer() else: print('Found term: ' + str(self.knowns)) self.reset_p() print(base_coherence) return def cache_layers(self): expr = 'def f(x):\n\tresult=0\n' for layer in self.layers: expr += '\tresult^=' + layer.eval_str() + '\n' expr += '\treturn result\n' scope = {} exec(expr, scope) return scope['f'] def main(): probabilities = Probabilities() # probabilities.knowns = [14] # probabilities.add_layer() # probabilities.knowns = [8] # probabilities.add_layer() # probabilities.knowns = [4] # probabilities.add_layer() while probabilities.num_terms <= probabilities.N: probabilities.update() if __name__ == "__main__": main()