import hashlib import math from statistics import median, stdev import numpy as np def count_one_bits(n): return bin(n).count("1") def compute_distance(a, b): distance = count_one_bits(a ^ b) # return 1 / (8 ** distance) if distance == 0: return 0 # return 1 / (64 ** (distance - 1)) return distance def xor_n(n): return count_one_bits(n) % 2 def sha_n(n): m = hashlib.sha256() m.update(str(n).encode("utf-8")) result = m.digest() return result[0] & 0b1 def compute_distances(N): return [[compute_distance(i, j) for j in range(N)] for i in range(N)] def compute_nn_probabilities(i, knowns, distances): total = 0.0 total_zero = 0.0 total_one = 0.0 for known in knowns: j = known[0] if i == j: continue distance = distances[i][j] total += distance if known[1] == 0: total_zero += distance else: total_one += distance p_zero = total_zero / total p_one = total_one / total return (p_zero, p_one) def interpolate_probabilities(i, knowns, distances, probabilities, dim): total = 0.0 total_dim = [0.0] * dim for known in knowns: j = known[0] if i == j: continue distance = distances[i][j] total += distance probability = probabilities[j] for index in range(dim): total_dim[index] += distance * probability[index] for index in range(dim): total_dim[index] /= total return total_dim def compute_est_coherence(i, knowns, coherences, distances): total = 0.0 coherence = 0.0 for known in knowns: j = known[0] distance = distances[i][j] total += distance coherence += distance * coherences[j] return coherence / total def compute_est_coherences(N, knowns, distances): nn_probabilities = [None for i in range(N)] nn_correct_probabilities = [None for i in range(N)] coherences = [] for known in knowns: i = known[0] nn_probabilities[i] = compute_nn_probabilities(i, knowns, distances) # for i in range(len(nn_probabilities)): # if not nn_probabilities[i] is None: # continue # nn_probabilities[i] = interpolate_probabilities(i, knowns, distances, nn_probabilities, 2) for known in knowns: i = known[0] nn_correct_probabilities[i] = [nn_probabilities[i][known[1]]] # for i in range(len(nn_correct_probabilities)): # if not nn_correct_probabilities[i] is None: # continue # nn_correct_probabilities[i] = interpolate_probabilities(i, knowns, distances, nn_correct_probabilities, 1) coherences_0 = [] coherences_1 = [] for known_i in knowns: i = known_i[0] coherence = 0.0 total = 0.0 for known_j in knowns: j = known_j[0] if i == j: continue distance = distances[i][j] total += distance nn_p_i_0 = nn_probabilities[i][0] nn_p_i_1 = nn_probabilities[i][1] nn_c_p_i = nn_correct_probabilities[i][0] nn_p_j_0 = nn_probabilities[j][0] nn_p_j_1 = nn_probabilities[j][1] nn_c_p_j = nn_correct_probabilities[j][0] p_i_0 = nn_p_i_0 * nn_c_p_i + nn_p_i_1 * (1 - nn_c_p_i) p_i_1 = nn_p_i_1 * nn_c_p_i + nn_p_i_0 * (1 - nn_c_p_i) p_j_0 = nn_p_j_0 * nn_c_p_j + nn_p_j_1 * (1 - nn_c_p_j) p_j_1 = nn_p_j_1 * nn_c_p_j + nn_p_j_0 * (1 - nn_c_p_j) coherence += distance * (p_i_0 * p_j_0 + p_i_1 * p_j_1) coherences.append(coherence / total) if known_i[1] == 0: coherences_0.append(coherence / total) else: coherences_1.append(coherence / total) return coherences def score(coherences, knowns, distances): # while len(coherences) > 1: # coherences = [(coherences[i] + coherences[i + 1]) / 2 for i in range(0, len(coherences), 2)] # return coherences[0] # return median(coherences) # return sum(coherences) / len(coherences) if len(coherences) == 0: return 1.0 numerator_0 = 0.0 denominator_0 = 0.0 numerator_1 = 0.0 denominator_1 = 0.0 count_0 = 0.0 count_1 = 0.0 for i in range(len(knowns)): weight = 0 for j in range(len(knowns)): weight += distances[knowns[i][0]][knowns[j][0]] print(weight, end=' ') if knowns[i][1] == 0: denominator_0 += weight numerator_0 += weight * coherences[i] count_0 += 1 else: denominator_1 += weight numerator_1 += weight * coherences[i] count_1 += 1 # print() if count_0 == 0 or count_1 == 0: return 1.0 # return ((sum(coherences[0]) / len(coherences[0])) + (sum(coherences[1]) / len(coherences[1]))) / 2.0 # return (sum(coherences[0]) + sum(coherences[1])) / (len(coherences[0]) + len(coherences[1])) # div_0 = (numerator_0 / denominator_0 if denominator_0 > 0 else 1.0) * 0.5 # div_1 = (numerator_1 / denominator_1 if denominator_1 > 0 else 1.0) * 0.5 # return div_0 + div_1 # aligned = 1.0 - abs(0.5 - max(count_0 / (count_0 + count_1), count_1 / (count_0 + count_1))) # return ((numerator_0 + numerator_1) / (denominator_0 + denominator_1)) * (aligned ** 0.1) # return (((numerator_0 + numerator_1) / (denominator_0 + denominator_1)) + 0.12 * aligned) * (1.0 / 1.12) return (numerator_0 + numerator_1) / (denominator_0 + denominator_1) def xor_by_index(knowns, index, reverse=False): mask = 1 << index knowns = knowns[:] for i in range(len(knowns)): known = knowns[i] if known[0] & mask or (not (known[0] & mask) and reverse): knowns[i] = (known[0], known[1] ^ 1) return knowns def flip(n, index): return n ^ (1 << index) def matrix_from_knowns(knowns, N): S = 2 ** N mat = np.zeros((S, S)) val = np.zeros(S) unknowns = set([i for i in range(0, S)]) for (i, value) in knowns: mat[i][i] = 1.0 val[i] = value unknowns.remove(i) for i in unknowns: mat[i][i] = -1.0 for j in range(0, N): mat[i][flip(i,j)] = 1.0 / N return (mat, val) def compute_splits(knowns, N): splits = [] for i in range(0, N): mask = 1 << i left_0 = 0 left_1 = 0 right_0 = 0 right_1 = 0 for (j, value) in knowns: if j & mask == 0: if value == 0: left_0 += 1 else: left_1 += 1 else: if value == 0: right_0 += 1 else: right_1 += 1 print((left_0, left_1), (right_0, right_1)) left_ratio = min(left_0, left_1) / (left_0 + left_1) right_ratio = min(right_0, right_1) / (right_0 + right_1) # print(left_ratio, right_ratio) splits.append((left_ratio + right_ratio) / 2) return splits def compute_coherence(knowns, N): S = 2 ** N # (mat, val) = matrix_from_knowns(knowns, N) # solution = np.linalg.inv(mat).dot(val) # for it in range(0, 1000): # next = np.zeros(len(solution)) # for i in range(0, len(solution)): # sum = 0.0 # for j in range(0, N): # sum += solution[flip(i,j)] # next[i] = sum / N # solution = next # return 0.0 # coherence_0 = 0.0 # coherence_1 = 0.0 # zeros = 0.0 # ones = 0.0 # lowest = 1.0 # print() (mat, val) = matrix_from_knowns(knowns, N) A = np.linalg.inv(mat).dot(val) knowns_nn = [] for known_index in range(0, len(knowns)): (mat, val) = matrix_from_knowns(knowns[:known_index] + knowns[known_index + 1:], N) solution = np.linalg.inv(mat).dot(val) (i, value) = knowns[known_index] value_nn = solution[i] knowns_nn.append((i, value_nn)) (mat, val) = matrix_from_knowns(knowns_nn, N) B = np.linalg.inv(mat).dot(val) return 1.0 - (sum(abs(A - B)) / len(A)) # # print(A) # # print(B) # A_sub_B = A - B # print(A) # print(B) # print(A) # print(B) # print(, B) / len(A)) # return 1.0 - (, A_sub_B) / len(A)) # print(i, value, value_nn, partial) # coherence += ((value * value_nn) + ((1 - value) * (1 - value_nn))) / len(knowns) # if value == 0: # coherence_0 += partial # zeros += 1 # else: # coherence_1 += partial # ones += 1 # if zeros == 0 or ones == 0: # return 1.0 # return 0.5 * coherence_0 / zeros + 0.5 * coherence_1 / ones # coherences = np.zeros(S) # (mat, val) = matrix_from_knowns(knowns, N) # solution = np.linalg.inv(mat).dot(val) # print(solution) # for i in range(0, S): # p = solution[i] # coherence = 0.0 # for j in range(0, N): # q = solution[flip(i,j)] # coherence += ((p * q) + ((1 - p) * (1 - q))) / N # coherences[i] = coherence # print(coherences) # return sum(coherences) / len(coherences) def compute_split_knowns(knowns, N): sum = 0 splits = [] for i in range(0, N): mask = 1 << i left = [] right = [] for (j, value) in knowns: k = (j & ((1 << i) - 1)) | ((j & ~((1 << (i + 1)) - 1)) >> 1) masked_known = (k, value) if j & mask == 0: left.append(masked_known) else: right.append(masked_known) left_coherence = compute_coherence(left, N - 1) right_coherence = compute_coherence(right, N - 1) splits.append((left_coherence, right_coherence)) sum += min(left_coherence, right_coherence) * (1.0 - abs(left_coherence - right_coherence)) # print() # print(splits) # print() return sum / N def remove_bit(i, n): return (i & ((1 << n) - 1)) | ((i & ~((1 << (n + 1)) - 1)) >> 1) def compute_split_knowns_r(knowns, N): if len(knowns) == 0: raise ValueError('This should never happen') hist = np.zeros(N) for i in range(0, N): mask = 1 << i for (j, value) in knowns: if j & mask == 0: hist[i] += 1 constant_bits = [] for i in range(0, N): if hist[i] == 0 or hist[i] == len(knowns): constant_bits.append(i) if len(constant_bits) > 0: constant_bits.reverse() for n in constant_bits: reduced_knowns = [] for (j, value) in knowns: reduced_knowns.append((remove_bit(j, n), value)) knowns = reduced_knowns return compute_split_knowns_r(knowns, N - len(constant_bits)) if len(knowns) == 1: return 1.0 if len(knowns) == 2: if knowns[0][1] == knowns[1][1]: return 1.0 else: return 0.0 sum = 0 for i in range(0, N): mask = 1 << i left = [] right = [] for (j, value) in knowns: k = remove_bit(j, i) masked_known = (k, value) if j & mask == 0: left.append(masked_known) else: right.append(masked_known) # left_correctness = max(left_0_count, left_1_count) / (left_0_count + left_1_count) if left_0_count > 0 and left_1_count > 0 else 1.0 # right_correctness = max(right_0_count, right_1_count) / (right_0_count + right_1_count) if right_0_count > 0 and right_1_count > 0 else 1.0 left_coherence = compute_split_knowns_r(left, N - 1) right_coherence = compute_split_knowns_r(right, N - 1) evenness = min(left_coherence, right_coherence) / max(left_coherence, right_coherence) if left_coherence > 0 and right_coherence > 0 else 1.0 # sum += min(left_coherence, right_coherence) * (evenness ** 2) # delta = 1.0 - ((left_coherence - right_coherence) * (left_coherence - right_coherence)) sum += 0.7 * min(left_coherence, right_coherence) + 0.3 * evenness ** 2 # sum += min(left_coherence, right_coherence) * (1.0 - abs(left_coherence - right_coherence)) return sum / N def main(): N = 8 S = 2 ** N distances = compute_distances(S) knowns = [(i, sha_n(i)) for i in [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 # 0, 3, 4, 5, 7 # 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14 # 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 15 # 0, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12 # 0, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 24, 30 # 0, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 24, 30, 52, 63, 255, 243, 127 # 128, 131, 248, 0, 7, 13, 17, 19 ]] # best_coherence = compute_coherence(knowns, N) best_coherence = compute_split_knowns_r(knowns, N) print(best_coherence) print(knowns) print() while best_coherence < 1.0: best_index = -1 best_reverse = False # best_coherence = 0 for i in range(0, N): for reverse in [False, True]: mutated_knowns = xor_by_index(knowns, i, reverse) # coherence = compute_coherence(mutated_knowns, N) coherence = compute_split_knowns_r(mutated_knowns, N) print(i, reverse, coherence) if coherence > best_coherence: best_coherence = coherence best_index = i best_reverse = reverse if best_index < 0: break knowns = xor_by_index(knowns, best_index, best_reverse) print() print(best_index, best_reverse, best_coherence) print(knowns) print() print(knowns) # for known_i in knowns: # i = known_i[0] # for known_j in knowns: # j = known_j[0] # print(distances[i][j], end=' ') # print() # print(knowns) # print() # coherences = compute_est_coherences(N, knowns, distances) # best_coherence = score(coherences, knowns, distances) # print(best_coherence) # flipped = [] # while best_coherence < 1.0: # print() # # print(knowns) # # print() # best_index = -1 # # best_coherence = 0 # for i in range(0, n): # if i in flipped: # continue # mutated_knowns = xor_by_index(knowns, i) # coherences = compute_est_coherences(N, mutated_knowns, distances) # coherence = score(coherences, mutated_knowns, distances) # # print(coherence) # print(coherence, end=' ') # print(mutated_knowns) # if coherence > best_coherence: # best_coherence = coherence # best_index = i # if best_index < 0: # break # knowns = xor_by_index(knowns, best_index) # # flipped.append(best_index) # print(knowns) if __name__ == "__main__": main()