
310 lines
9.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2023-01-01 23:45:51 +00:00
import hashlib
import math
import numpy as np
import random
import secrets
from struct import pack, pack_into, unpack_from
def bit_at_index(buffer, index):
offset = (index >> 3) % len(buffer)
return buffer[offset] & (1 << (index & 0b111)) != 0
def count_one_bits(n):
return bin(n).count("1")
def hamming_distance(a, b):
distance = 0
for i in range(0, len(a)):
distance += count_one_bits(a[i] ^ b[i])
return distance
def xor_n(n):
return count_one_bits(n) % 2
def sha(x):
m = hashlib.sha256()
result = m.digest()
return result[0] & 0b1
def apply_flips(samples, inputs, flips):
samples = samples[:]
for i in range(len(samples)):
(key, old_value) = samples[i]
new_value = old_value
for index in flips:
if bit_at_index(inputs[key], index):
new_value = new_value ^ 1
if not new_value == old_value:
samples[i] = (key, new_value)
return samples
def coherence_for_knowns(knowns, distances, N):
if len(knowns) == 1:
return 1.0
coherences = []
for i in range(0, len(knowns)):
(a_key, a_value) = knowns[i]
numerator = 0
denominator = 0
for j in range(0, len(knowns)):
if i == j:
(b_key, b_value) = knowns[j]
distance = distances[a_key][b_key]
weight = 1.0 / (2 ** distance)
denominator += weight
if a_value == b_value:
numerator += weight
coherence = numerator / denominator if denominator > 0 else 0
return sum(coherences) / len(coherences)
def iterate_indices(indices, N):
carry_index = -1
for i in range(0, len(indices)):
j = len(indices) - i - 1
if indices[j] + 1 + i < N:
carry_index = j
if carry_index < 0:
return None
base_value = indices[carry_index]
for i in range(0, len(indices) - carry_index):
new_value = base_value + i + 1
if new_value >= N:
return None
indices[carry_index + i] = new_value
return indices
def compute_indices(samples, inputs, N):
zero_buckets = [False for i in range(0, N)]
one_buckets = [False for i in range(0, N)]
for (key, _) in samples:
for index in range(0, N):
if bit_at_index(inputs[key], index):
one_buckets[index] = True
zero_buckets[index] = True
return [index for index in range(0, N) if zero_buckets[index] and one_buckets[index]]
def compute_distances(inputs, distances):
for i in range(0, len(inputs)):
a = inputs[i]
for j in range(i, len(inputs)):
b = inputs[j]
distance = hamming_distance(a, b) if j != i else 0
distances[i][j] = distance
distances[j][i] = distance
def reduce(samples, inputs, distances, N):
available_indices = compute_indices(samples, inputs, N)
flips = []
best_coherence = coherence_for_knowns(samples, distances, N)
# print(best_coherence)
# print(knowns)
# print()
depth = 1
while depth <= len(available_indices) and depth < 2:
while best_coherence < 1.0:
best_flip = None
try_indices = [i for i in range(0, depth)]
while not try_indices is None:
try_flip = [available_indices[i] for i in try_indices]
mutated_samples = apply_flips(samples, inputs, try_flip)
coherence = coherence_for_knowns(mutated_samples, distances, N)
# print(try_flip, coherence)
if coherence > best_coherence:
best_coherence = coherence
best_flip = try_flip
try_indices = iterate_indices(try_indices, len(available_indices))
if best_flip is None:
depth += 1
# print(depth)
samples = apply_flips(samples, inputs, best_flip)
flips += best_flip
available_indices = [index for index in available_indices if index not in best_flip]
depth = 1
# print()
# print(best_flip, best_coherence)
# print(knowns)
# print()
# print(depth)
if len(available_indices) == 0:
if best_coherence == 1.0:
return (samples, best_coherence, flips)
def dominant_value(knowns, M=2):
buckets = [0 for i in range(0, M)]
for (_, value) in knowns:
buckets[value] += 1
return buckets.index(max(buckets))
def solve(samples, inputs, distances, N):
(samples, coherence, flips) = reduce(samples, inputs, distances, N)
if coherence == 1.0:
inverted = samples[0][1]
return (inverted, flips, None)
identity = dominant_value(samples)
left = [(key, 1) for (key, value) in samples if value != identity]
right = [(key, 1) for (key, value) in samples if value != identity]
for (key, value) in samples:
if value == identity:
if random.random() > 0.5:
left.append((key, 0))
right.append((key, 0))
return (0, flips, (identity, solve(left, inputs, distances, N), solve(right, inputs, distances, N)))
def evaluate(model, x, value = 0):
(inverted, flips, child) = model
for i in flips:
if bit_at_index(x, i) != 0:
value ^= 1
if not child is None:
(identity, left_child, right_child) = child
left = evaluate(left_child, x)
right = evaluate(right_child, x)
if left & right != identity:
value ^= 1
if inverted:
value ^= 1
return value
def transform(x, layers):
x[0] = 0
for layer in layers:
prefix = 0
for i in range(0, len(layer)):
model = layer[i]
value = evaluate(model, x)
prefix <<= 1
prefix |= value
x[0] = prefix
def encode_f(f, buffer, offset=0):
(inverted, flips, residual) = f
pack_into('B', buffer, offset, inverted)
offset += 1
for index in flips:
pack_into('B', buffer, offset, 0)
offset += 1
pack_into('I', buffer, offset, index)
offset += 4
if residual is None:
pack_into('B', buffer, offset, 1)
offset += 1
return offset
(inverted, left, right) = residual
pack_into('B', buffer, offset, 2 if not inverted else 3)
offset += 1
offset = encode_f(left, buffer, offset)
offset = encode_f(right, buffer, offset)
return offset
def decode_f(buffer, offset = 0):
[inverted] = unpack_from('B', buffer, offset)
offset += 1
inverted &= 0b1
flips = []
while offset < len(buffer):
[opcode] = unpack_from('B', buffer, offset)
offset += 1
opcode &= 0b11
if opcode == 0:
[index] = unpack_from('I', buffer, offset)
offset += 4
elif opcode == 1:
return (offset, (inverted, flips, None))
(offset, left) = decode_f(buffer, offset)
(offset, right) = decode_f(buffer, offset)
gate_inverted = 0 if opcode == 2 else 1
return (offset, (gate_inverted, flips, (left, right)))
return (offset, (inverted, [], None))
def random_input():
return bytearray(1) + secrets.token_bytes(3)
def main():
N = 32
S = 2 ** N
train_size = 64
test_size = 1000
f = sha
num_epochs = 4
num_layers = 7
layers_samples = []
layers = []
score = 0.5
distances = np.zeros((train_size, train_size))
for epoch in range(0, num_epochs):
layer = []
layer_samples = []
total_correct = 0.0
layer_index = 0
total_difficulty = 0
difficulty = 0
while layer_index < num_layers:
inputs = []
samples = []
raw_samples = []
for i in range(0, train_size):
x = random_input()
y = f(x)
transform(x, layers)
samples.append((i, y))
raw_samples.append((x, y))
compute_distances(inputs, distances)
model = solve(samples, inputs, distances, N)
# print(model)
# encoded = bytearray(1024)
# offset = encode_f(model, encoded)
# decoded_model = decode_f(encoded)
# print()
# print(decoded_model)
# correct = 0
# for (x, y) in samples:
# if evaluate(model, inputs[x]) == y:
# correct += 1
# print(str(correct) + "/" + str(train_size))
correct = 0
for _ in range(0, test_size):
x = random_input()
y = f(x)
transform(x, layers)
if evaluate(model, x) == y:
correct += 1
difficulty += 1
local_score = correct / test_size
if local_score < score - 0.0001 * difficulty:
# print_score = round(local_score * 10000.0) / 100.0
# print('Layer ' + str(layer_index) + ': ' + str(candidates) + ' ' + str(print_score) + '%')
layer_index += 1
total_correct += correct
total_difficulty += difficulty
difficulty = 0
score = total_correct / (test_size * num_layers)
average_difficulty = round(total_difficulty * 100.0 / num_layers) / 100.0
print_score = round(score * 10000.0) / 100.0
print('Epoch ' + str(epoch) + ': ' + str(average_difficulty) + ' ' + str(print_score) + '%')
if __name__ == "__main__":