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2023-01-01 23:45:51 +00:00
import hashlib
import math
from statistics import median, stdev
import numpy as np
import random
def count_one_bits(n):
return bin(n).count("1")
def xor_n(n):
return count_one_bits(n) % 2
def sha_n(n):
m = hashlib.sha256()
result = m.digest()
return result[0] & 0b1
def xor_by_index(knowns, index, reverse=False):
mask = 1 << index
knowns = knowns[:]
for i in range(len(knowns)):
known = knowns[i]
if known[0] & mask or (not (known[0] & mask) and reverse):
knowns[i] = (known[0], known[1] ^ 1)
return knowns
def remove_bit(i, n):
return (i & ((1 << n) - 1)) | ((i & ~((1 << (n + 1)) - 1)) >> 1)
def split_at(knowns, N, i):
mask = 1 << i
left = [(remove_bit(j, i), value) for (j, value) in knowns if (j & mask) == 0]
right = [(remove_bit(j, i), value) for (j, value) in knowns if not (j & mask) == 0]
return (left, right)
def factor_at(knowns, N, i, identity_value=1):
mask = 1 << i
left = [(j, value) for (j, value) in knowns if value == identity_value or (j & mask) == 0]
right = [(j, value) for (j, value) in knowns if value == identity_value or not (j & mask) == 0]
return (left, right)
def compute_coherence(pair, N, depth = 0):
(left, right) = pair
(left_depth, left_coherence) = compute_split_knowns_r(left, N, depth)
(right_depth, right_coherence) = compute_split_knowns_r(right, N, depth)
ratio = min(len(left), len(right)) / max(len(left), len(right))
# evenness = min(left_coherence, right_coherence) / max(left_coherence, right_coherence) if left_coherence > 0 and right_coherence > 0 else 1.0
evenness = left_coherence - right_coherence
# return 0.75 * min(left_coherence, right_coherence) + 0.25 * evenness ** 2
# return 0.8 * min(left_coherence, right_coherence) + 0.2 * evenness ** 2
coherence = left_coherence if left_depth > right_depth else right_coherence if right_depth > left_depth else (left_coherence + right_coherence) / 2.0
depth = max(left_depth, right_depth)
return (depth, 0.9 * coherence + 0.1 * (1.0 - (evenness ** 2)))
def compute_split_knowns_r(knowns, N, depth = 0):
if len(knowns) == 0:
return (depth, 1.0)
hist = np.zeros(N)
for i in range(0, N):
mask = 1 << i
for (j, value) in knowns:
if j & mask == 0:
hist[i] += 1
constant_bits = [i for i in range(0, N) if hist[i] == 0 or hist[i] == len(knowns)]
if len(constant_bits) > 0:
for n in constant_bits:
knowns = [(remove_bit(j, n), value) for (j, value) in knowns]
return compute_split_knowns_r(knowns, N - len(constant_bits), depth)
if len(knowns) == 1:
return (depth, 1.0)
if len(knowns) == 2:
if knowns[0][1] == knowns[1][1]:
return (depth, 1.0)
return (depth, 0.0)
sum = 0
denominator = 0
for i in range(0, N):
(left, right) = split_at(knowns, N, i)
(depth, partial) = compute_coherence((left, right), N, depth + 1)
sum += depth * partial
denominator += depth
return (depth, sum / denominator)
def invert(knowns):
inverted_knowns = []
for (i, value) in knowns:
inverted_knowns.append((i, 1 - value))
return inverted_knowns
def reduce(knowns, N):
flips = []
(depth, best_coherence) = compute_split_knowns_r(knowns, N)
while best_coherence < 1.0:
best_index = -1
best_reverse = False
# best_coherence = 0
for i in range(0, N):
for reverse in [False, True]:
mutated_knowns = xor_by_index(knowns, i, reverse)
# coherence = compute_coherence(mutated_knowns, N)
(depth, coherence) = compute_split_knowns_r(mutated_knowns, N)
print(i, reverse, coherence)
if coherence > best_coherence:
best_coherence = coherence
best_index = i
best_reverse = reverse
if best_index < 0:
knowns = xor_by_index(knowns, best_index, best_reverse)
flips.append((best_index, best_reverse))
print(best_index, best_reverse, best_coherence)
return (knowns, best_coherence, flips)
def solve(knowns, N):
(knowns, coherence, flips) = reduce(knowns, N)
if coherence == 1.0:
inverted = knowns[0][1]
return (inverted, flips, None)
raise Exception('Stop')
best_coherence = 0
best_index = -1
best_identity_value = False
for i in range(0, N):
for identity_value in [0, 1]:
coherence = compute_coherence(factor_at(knowns, N, i, identity_value), N)
print(i, identity_value, coherence)
if coherence > best_coherence:
best_coherence = coherence
best_index = i
best_identity_value = identity_value
(left, right) = factor_at(knowns, N, best_index, best_identity_value)
return (0, flips, (best_identity_value, solve(left, N), solve(right, N)))
def evaluate(model, n, value = 0):
(inverted, flips, child) = model
for (i, invert) in flips:
mask = (1 << i)
masked_n = n & mask
if (masked_n > 0 and not invert) or (masked_n == 0 and invert):
value = 1 - value
if not child is None:
(identity, left_child, right_child) = child
left = evaluate(left_child, n, 1 - identity)
right = evaluate(right_child, n, 1 - identity)
if left and right:
value = 1 - value
if identity == 0:
value = 1 - value
if inverted:
value = 1 - value
return value
def main():
N = 8
S = 2 ** N
train_size = 16
test_size = 100
f = xor_n
knowns = [(i, f(i)) for i in [
# 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
# 0, 3, 4, 5, 7
# 3, 5, 6, 10, 12, 14
# 1, 3, 7, 10, 14, 15
# 0, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12
# 0, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 24, 30
# 0, 3, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 24, 30, 52, 63, 255, 243, 127
# 128, 131, 248, 0, 7, 13, 17, 19
23, 38, 46, 89, 108, 110, 114, 119, 137, 168, 177, 201, 206, 232, 247, 255
# f = xor_n
# knowns = []
# train_samples = set()
# for i in range(0, train_size):
# k = random.randint(0, S)
# while k in train_samples:
# k = random.randint(0, S)
# knowns.append((k, f(i)))
# train_samples.add(k)
model = solve(knowns, N)
# print(model)
correct = 0
for i in range(0, test_size):
if f(i) == evaluate(model, i):
correct += 1
print(str(correct) + "/" + str(test_size))
if __name__ == "__main__":